Enquire now for a personal tour of our nursery

The youngest children at Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery Southport spend their time in our specially designed Nursery and Preschool, welcoming children from the age of 3 months to 3 years old. The entire space is created with all their needs in mind and built as the perfect environment for them to begin to explore the world around them.

We are passionate about taking care of your babies and toddlers

While with us, your children are looked after by a dedicated and specially trained team of individuals. Each member of staff will care directly for no more than three children at any one time. This enables staff to provide the intimate care your child needs, understanding them as an individual. Doing this also helps staff to work in partnership with your parenting and continue routines from home.

Not only do we focus on these key areas, but we also weave development through your child’s day. We achieve this by talking and role-modelling with them during their play, for example. The care that Monkey Puzzle Southport delivers ensures the environment that our babies stay in is stimulating and warm, full of interaction and play.

Throughout their time at our Nursery, our children are placed into 3 age categories, Babies (3 to 24 months),  Toddlers (2 to 3 years)  and Preschool (3 to 5 years), which you can read more about below. When they are old enough, our children will move onto our Preschool on a site just over the road from the nursery. Alongside our fantastic indoor learning spaces, our nursery children have access to our specially designed outdoor space.


The Baby Room is where our youngest children enjoy their day. The room is large and bright for little ones to crawl, roll, shuffle toddle and explore. It is well appointed with outstanding levels of equipment, the room follows the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage framework and encourages learning through play. There is a dedicated sensory area with equipment to stimulate the babies senses along with a range of toys encouraging the children’s further development in all areas. An attractive and relaxing dedicated sleeping room awaits our tired children with the temperature constantly monitored to ensure the babies are comfortable at all times. In addition the babies have their own dedicated changing facilities, wet kitchen and outside play area. Your child’s key person will take care of all your child’s personal needs whenever possible reinforcing the primary areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage focusing on “Positive Relationships” building a bond between your child and key person, which continues during your child’s time at Monkey Puzzle. We operate a 1:3 ratio in the Baby Room.


The Toddler zone also benefits from a number of dedicated areas, the Toddlers have creative areas, a reading corner, circle time and a home area corner. As this is the time when the majority of children start ‘toilet training’, the toddlers room is equipped with brightly decorated childrens’ toilets, encouraging independence. The garden is fully equipped with an impact absorbing surface and lots of outside equipment designed to encourage coordination and balance. The children have access to our safe and secure outdoor space to enjoy the benefits of regular time outside where they can enjoy bikes, dens, a mud kitchen and all the outside resources you would expect to see at a nursery. Our Toddler rooms operate with a 1:5 ratio.

Where Next?

babies care


babies nutrition


babies settling in

Settling In

babies curriculum


meet the babies team

Meet the Team